New Author – Welcome to…Christina Elmore!





















We are thrilled to welcome Christina Elmore as one of our newest authors here at CWLA! We asked Christina a few questions to learn a little more about her writing and inspiration.

How long have you been writing children’s stories?
I’ve been making up stories for children (especially my own) for many years, long before I realised I could actually make something of them. But I’ve been writing in earnest for about 5 years now.

Has your acting work influenced your writing in any way?
Absolutely, my acting work has influenced my writing. Acting requires me to expand my imagination beyond the page and to envisage myself in a world I didn’t create. Now, in my writing, I use the same imaginative exercises and skills to actually create the world. In doing so, I try to bring to the characters the same kind of nuance and specificity that excites in me the roles that I play.

What inspired you to become an author?
Reading books has long been one of my greatest joys and pastimes, but it wasn’t until I became a parent that I remembered the unique richness a good children’s book can bring to childhood. I love that in such a short format, you can make the world of difference to the way a child perceives themselves and the world around them. I want to be a part of that.

Do any of the stories you write come from your own experiences and memories of your childhood?
So far, most of my stories come from experiences I wish I had as a child. Whilst I had a beautiful childhood, I was a pretty anxious kid who was scared of taking big risks. I am enjoying writing characters who are more gusty, more curious, and a little more willing to fail than I ever was. Perhaps I am attempting to rewrite my girlhood through my work.

Are there any books that influence your writing?
I truly love the Amazing Grace book series Mary Hoffman. I’ve been taken with Grace since childhood and now read the stories to my own children. I am not sure if these books influence my writing (though I imagine they must), but they certainly have influenced my life and my desire to write.

As a busy Mama, Actor and Writer – how do you carve out your time?
I’m still figuring out how to consistently carve out space for myself. Most of the time, it looks like getting some time to read a book, pick up my knitting or take a hot bath after I’ve finally put my kids to bed and before I go to bed myself.

Tell us about your writing routine. Where, when and how do you like to write?
I’m grateful to have finally found a routine that seems to be working for me! My youngest child is in preschool three days a week and on those days after drop-off, I zip over to the coffee shop near the school, order an overpriced latte and use the sounds of the busy cafe to distract me just enough to focus on my writing. I often spend most of that time trying to decipher the haphazard handwriting in the 2-3 notebooks that I carry around to jot notes ideas and down.

Are there any exciting projects you’re working on at the moment?
I’m currently awaiting news of a season 2 for the HBOMax series, The Girls on the Bus. I absolutely loved working on a show that so beautifully centres around female friendship and the importance of found family. All episodes are streaming now. In the meantime, I am thrilled to be working on my new book.


Caroline Wakeman Literary Agency focuses on picture and early chapter books. Based in London and New York City, we have a team of literary agents specializing in children’s books and young fiction. Our goal is to create engaging stories for young readers.